Celebrando el lanzamiento de DOOM y, a pocos días de la salida de Homefront: The Revolution, Nvidia nos trae un nuevo set de drivers WHQL para obtener el mejor rendimiento en dichos juegos, al igual que para la versión Early Access de Master of Orion -desarrollado por el estudio desarrollador argentino NGD Studios.
Los poseedores de configuraciones SLI que aún juega The Division, estarán contentos de saber que finalmente se han corregido los problemas de stuttering, observado luego de 20-30 minutos de juego usando SLI.
Los interesados pueden descargar los nuevos controladores desde este link.
Se agregaron o actualizaron los siguientes perfiles de SLI:
- Battleborn – Se agregó el perfil AFR SLI
- Battlefleet Gothic Armada – Se configuró en SLI Single
- Dead Island: Redux – Se agregó el exe al perfil original
- Dead Island Riptide: Redux – Se agregó el exe al perfil original
- Master of Orion – Se agregó el perfil AFR SLI
- Obscuritas – Se agregó el perfil AFR SLI
- The Moonlight Blade – Se configuró en SLI Single
- The Solus Project – Se configuró en SLI Single
- World of Warships – Se desactivo el SLI hasta que se resuelvan los problemas por parte del desarrollador
Modulos de Software
- NView – version 147.00
- Vulkan RT Installer – version
- HD Audio Driver – version
- NVIDIA PhysX System Software – version 9.15.0428
- GeForce Experience – version
- CUDA – version 8.0
Windows 10 Fixed Issues
- Operating system crashes in 0x113_dxgkrnl!DpiFdoHandleSurpriseRemoval during upgrade. [1529462]
- [SLI] Talos Principle crashes with SLI enabled. [1732418]
- [GM107] Playback pauses, flickers, and rolls back after hot attach and detach with system DisplayPort. [1736912]
- After Enable/Disable Surround and Bezel Peeking are enabled in Configure Surround, PhysX > Span displays with Surround, Keyboard Shortcuts no longer functions. [1738298]
- [SLI, 364.72] Tom Clancy’s The Division stutters after 20–30 minutes with SLI enabled. [1750263]
- [Windows Media Player, OCX, ASF] Read access violation @
nvd3dum!CDX9VideoCallbacks::getSurface_NON_NEAR_NULL_nvd3dum!free nvd3dum!_aligned_free nvd3dum!cresource::destroy n. [1754145] - [VR, Oculus Rift] Blacks appear bright grey with the Rift set to TV Levels. [1754702]
- [Shadowplay] Second Life Viewer crashes on opening when Shadowplay is turned on. [1756448]
- [364.72, 364.76] Glacier NVIDIA D3D test application Rthdribl.exe performance significantly drops after update from 362.00. [1758879]
- VulkanRT-Installer triggers virus scanner false positives. [1763395]
- [GeForce GT 720] NVIDIA Control Panel can’t change refresh rate in multi-display configuration (onboard VGA + dGPU VGA or HDMI). [200147951]
- Support Microsft Hybrid with Apollo Lake and Kaby Lake CPUs. [200190085]
Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Vista Fixed
- Talos Principle Vulkan build: Performance optimizations. [1731228]
- Unreal Engine 4 Vulkan crashes when multiple renderer threads are used. [1757734]
- VulkanRT-Installer triggers virus scanner false positives. [1763395]
- [Windows 7 x64] 3DMark 11 Displays garbage. [200175473]
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