Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.2 – Drivers optimizados para DOOM; Perfil de Crossfire para Battleborn Pey 12/05/2016 Gaming News, Hardware News A pocas horas del lanzamiento de DOOM y ya pasado varios días desde la salida del MOBA en primera persona de los creadores de Borderlands, AMD ha lanzado un nuevo set de drivers, optimizados para obtener el mejor rendimiento en la ultima iteración del shooter insignia de id Software, agregando a su vez un perfil de Crossfire para Battleborn. Los interesados pueden descargar los Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.2 de este link. Listas de problema resueltos (Inglés): Radeon Settings may sometimes suggest upgrading to an older driver revision when using the new driver notification feature. Frame Rate Target Control may not keep the users previous settings when disabled. The option to enable/disable AMD Crossfire™ technology logo may be missing on some system configurations from the» Gaming, Global Options» tab in Radeon Settings. Radeon Settings game manager does not display icons for Origin Games. Radeon Settings launch with Eyefinity profiles may sometimes not take effect after system has been rebooted for profiled games. Some characters or game areas are rendered very dark in Hitman™ using AMD Crossfire technology mode. Restore factory defaults may occasionally not work for the «Display» tab in Radeon Settings. The power efficiency toggle in Radeon Settings may be available to some unsupported system configurations. The text in Radeon Settings drop down menus may sometimes get cut off when in windowed mode with some Windows DPI scaling settings. League of Legends users may experience minor graphical corruption when using AMD Crossfire technology mode. Star Wars™: Battlefront users may see corrupted ground textures in the Survival of Hoth mission. Listas de problema conocidos (Inglés): A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved «In Game Overlay». Users in Quad AMD Crossfire technology configurations may be unable to re-enable AMD Crossfire mode when using the global AMD Crossfire option in the «Gaming» tab and toggling it from on to off. The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt inventory and character pages may exhibit flickering in AMD Crossfire technology mode. Call of Duty™: Advanced Warfare may exhibit stuttering when using AMD FreeSync™ technology and AMD Crossfire technology in conjunction. Installing Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.2 multiple times on the same machine after rebooting may cause the installer to hang. The AMD Crossfire mode options in Radeon Settings may not take effect on Origin or Uplay applications. RadeonSettingsAdditionalSettingspagemaynot be availablewhenupgrading to Radeon Software CrimsonEdition 16.5.2 from thecurrentwindowsupdatedriver. As a workaroundpleasecleanuninstallallcurrent Radeon Software when upgrading if your system exhibits this issue. Some textures may exhibit flickering in Fallout™ 4 when using AMD Crossfire technology. Forza Motorsport 6: Apex™ may exhibit brightness flickering when using AMD FreeSync™ technology. Frame Rate Target Control gaming profiles may fail to enable for some games. Comparte esto:Haz clic para compartir en Facebook (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en X (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en WhatsApp (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en Threads (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en Telegram (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en LinkedIn (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en Reddit (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en Pocket (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para enviar un enlace por correo electrónico a un amigo (Se abre en una ventana nueva) Dejar una respuestaCancelar respuesta